Using technology to stay ahead of the competition


A recent report from Gartner has shown that a successful digital business strategy is a crucial important factor in maintaining a competitive edge – and HR is one of the departments most responsible.

Titled “Talent on the Digital Frontier: The Stakes Rise in Digital Business”, the report contains results from a recent Gartner survey of 151 business leaders who are closely involved in either making digital business strategy decisions or finding and acquiring the employees to carry out those strategies.

One of the most salient findings from the survey was that an amazing 90 per cent of respondents believed that competition for the best talent would “make or break digital business success”.

This led Gartner to suggest that CEOs and CIOs who are adept at acquiring and directing talent with the appropriate expertise and technology across the organisation were best placed to succeed.

Diane Morello, managing vice president at Gartner, said that flexibility was key for businesses that wanted to hire the best talent to drive their digital strategy.

“Together, CIOs and HR talent executives scour the globe for qualified experts and talented people and bring them into their work streams, no matter their locations or their employment arrangements,” she said in a September 30 press release.

“Relying solely on tactics of yesterday to find, acquire and develop digital business knowledge, skills and competencies will cause many businesses to fall behind as other businesses advance.”

For recruitment agencies that wish to identify and locate the best talent for their clients, utilising the latest in productivity solutions is vital.

Investing in the latest efficiency software for recruitment agents, which also provides access to 1000’s of international job boards means that your clients will be well equipped to stay ahead of the pack in an increasingly competitive & global business environment.

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