More Australians in jobs than ever before

The need for recruitment software could be greater than ever for the nation's businesses, as the latest figures show more Australians are in employment than ever before.

Revealing its November data, Roy Morgan Research said 11.3 million people are now in jobs, up 210,000 from the same month of 2013. This makes it a record high for the country, bringing widespread benefits for businesses and the wider economy.

People take up a variety of roles

The figures show both full- and part-time employment has risen over recent months, as people secure jobs that suit their individual circumstances.

As of November, 7.5 million Australians were in full-time positions, while 3.8 million had secured part-time roles.

Gary Morgan from Roy Morgan Research explained that there could be some seasonal reasons behind this trend, as well as the fact that more jobs are being created.

"November is traditionally a month in which young people finishing up at school and university either look for full-time work or seek part-time employment over the summer months," Mr Morgan noted.

Problems facing the recruitment sector

Although this data is encouraging, there are still some areas where the recruitment landscape can be improved across the country. For example, there are concerns that not enough jobs are being created to cope with increases in population.

Mr Morgan continued: "The overall picture of the Australian labour market shows an economy with a large amount of under-utilised labour – now 2.49 million Australians (19.7 per cent) are either unemployed or under-employed."

It is also noted that there is disparity between the 10 per cent unemployment rate reported by Roy Morgan Research and the 6.2 per cent quoted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The ABS reported in October that full-time employment had risen month-on-month, while there was a slight decline in the uptake of part-time positions.

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