How payroll software can help with invoicing


Accurate and timely invoicing is one of the key functions your recruitment agency needs to have a real handle on.

Not only will this improve your agency’s bottom line by maintaining a steady cashflow, it will also help deliver satisfaction to your customers as they know they are being charged correctly for your services.

Administrative staff at any recruitment agency will know this can be a tricky task to manage, however, and there is plenty of scope for error.

For example, those manually dealing with huge volumes of invoices are susceptible to duplicating invoices for the same service or client. In addition to confusing and frustrating customers, the need to rectify this problem can add an extra administrative burden on your agency, causing it to lose even more valuable time.

Relying largely on manpower instead of technological tools to process your invoicing can also create room for errors such as incorrect summing and taxation. Depending on the scale of the error, the impact on your agency’s cash flow and customer relations can be significant.

However, these and other issues can be eliminated by investing in productivity solutions that help with invoicing.

FastTrack360 is one solution that can save on hours of administrative time by harnessing the power of workflow automation.

Such tools can allow you to process invoices automatically by client group or on an individual basis, depending on your agency’s requirements. You also have access to several standard invoice formats you can use or customise according to your agency’s preferences.

Other functionalities, such as the ability to reprint invoices as and when necessary, make FastTrack360 a must for any recruitment agency looking to streamline its processes.

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