Have you found the right candidate? Signs to watch out for

To deliver the results your clients demand, you have to ensure you are picking the best possible person for the job every time.

There can be hundreds of candidates applying for just one opening, however, so how do you scope them out and choose the best of the bunch?

The interview is one of the critical stages of the selection process, as it is here where you can pick up some tell-tale signs that a certain candidate is the right person for the role.

One of the key factors to watch out for is whether they are asking the right questions.

Every candidate should come armed with some questions of their own, to show they are interested in and eager for the job. Keep an eye out for those with particularly thoughtful questions that demonstrate a broad knowledge of your industry or company.

It's also a good idea to subtly ask them about their previous employment and gauge how they handle the question. Those who criticise former employers – no matter how bad they were – are unlikely to be a healthy fit for any kind of company.

These and other signs can help you assess candidates, but is there a way to make your job even easier?

FastTrack's recruitment software offers powerful search solutions to help you further narrow down your candidate pool – even before the interview stage.

There is a host of search functionalities you can take advantage of, including mixing and matching multiple criteria and even searching through past work histories. By limiting your search to only those who fit selected and pre-defined criteria, you can cut out scores of candidates that you don't need to interview at all.

With such efficiency software helping you streamline your candidate search process, you can save valuable time and resources and deliver greater satisfaction to your clients.

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