Demand for recruitment services set to soar

Businesses with efficient recruitment software are set to reap the benefits of an increase in the demand for recruitment services, a new survey suggests.

Last month, the PULSE Quarterly Hiring Intentions Survey was released by the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) with eye-catching results for recruitment businesses.

It was reported that between October and December 2013, there was a 48 per cent increase in demand for on-hire worker services.

There was also a 31 per cent reported increase in demand for permanent placement services in the same time period.

Industry leaders believe that this rise in demand would have been continued into the New Year. Those results are expected later this year. 

"Yesterday's announcement from the [Australian Bureau of Statistics] of increases in full-time employment reflects the view of our member recruiters who expect a steady growth in demand for permanent recruitment services, as organisations cautiously add new workers to meet growing demand brought on by increasing business confidence," said President of RCSA, Robert van Stokrom.

"The demand for on-hire services on the other-hand is showing greater volatility as the seasonal requirement for workers and delay in commencement of large projects is impacting the continuity of demand for on-hire workers."

The occupations with the most demand were sales, technicians, managers and professionals.

One way businesses can be ready to handle this demand is by installing recruitment software.

The software can combine all the necessary recruitment functions and is designed to enhance the capability of the business.

Recruitment software manages the entire spectrum of the employment process from job posting to tracking applications. This is imperative when the demand is high and business resources are stretched.

With the growth of the Australian recruitment sector set to reach higher levels in the future, now is a good opportunity for businesses to ready themselves to meet the demand.

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