Cloud is the new black: Defining the future norm


Organisations everywhere are integrating cloud computing into their processes for its flexibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This widespread adoption is driven by the increasing demand of customers and employees for easier, more modern and more accessible IT resources, and has the ability to give businesses a competitive edge.

So with many companies utilising cloud-based solutions such as efficiency software to boost their daily operations, will the cloud become a normal tool for all businesses in the future?

The cloud may be as common as the internet by the year 2020.

Gartner says the future is all cloud

A new study from Gartner predicts that by the year 2020, it will be as rare for businesses to have no cloud solutions as it is for them to have no internet. Gartner Research Vice President Jeffrey Mann stated that already, some degree of cloud technology is used by most organisations.

“Aside from the fact that many organisations with a no-cloud policy actually have some under-the-radar or unavoidable cloud usage, we believe that this position will become increasingly untenable,” he said. “Cloud will increasingly be the default option for software deployment.”

The research firm’s Vice President Yefim V. Natis believes that this is largely because new advancements will become increasingly focussed around the cloud, and companies will no longer be able to innovate without it.

“More leading-edge IT capabilities will be available only in the cloud, forcing reluctant organisations closer to cloud adoption. While some applications and data will remain locked in older technologies, more new solutions will be cloud-based, thus further increasing demand for integration infrastructure,” he said.

Most innovations will be cloud-based.

Enterprises on their way

Despite some prevailing resistance, a majority of today’s businesses are embracing the cloud. According to RightScale’s 2016 State of the Cloud report, 95 per cent of respondents are using some form of the cloud, a 2 per cent increase from the results of the previous year.

To some extent, the rising rates of adoption can be attributed to improvements in the technology that alleviate past concerns. IANS Research in Boston faculty lead Dave Shackleford suggests that one of the most significant examples is better information security.

“With more options available in the cloud that meet public sector compliance and security requirements, IT teams can now safely move workloads into cloud environments with assurance that their data is safe and carefully controlled, and that they won’t risk violating compliance and regulatory requirements,” he told The Washington Post.

For businesses wanting to take advantage the shift to cloud, ROI software services can help them make the most of a cloud solution to streamline their processes and drive competitiveness.

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