5 top productivity apps

Thanks to the advent of smartphone apps, employees across the world are reaching never-before-seen levels of productivity.

If you are aiming to boost your recruitment agency's efficiency levels, why not recommend some of these great productivity solutions to your staff? They can complement your recruitment software to help your employees get more done, more efficiently.

1. Mailbox

Are your employees struggling to stay on top of client and candidate emails?

For those with an iPhone, Mailbox is the must-have email management app. With the ability to sort, archive, reorder or delete emails with a mere swipe of a finger, staying on top of that flooded inbox has never been easier.

2. Evernote

Almost every recruiter has at some point forgotten to write down a crucial note about that important job order, leading to a struggle to remember it later on.

Evernote allows users to quickly take notes in any form, be it a text file, web page, photo or voice memo, and access it from anywhere later on.

3. Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the best examples of how affordable cloud technology can be utilised to deliver amazing results in productivity.

No more emailing documents back and forth or losing USB drives – everyone at your agency can use a single, secure platform to instantly share documents and other files.

4. Clear

With an extensive list of tasks to manage every day, your agency's staff could do with a helping hand.

Clear is one of the best to-do list apps available, offering a simple and easy to use – but still powerful – solution for creating and keeping task lists.

5. Cal

Your employees will need an efficient calendar app that helps them schedule the day ahead, and Cal fits the bill perfectly.

An interactive design that integrates maps and contacts and is powered by gesture controls, Cal can help even the busiest of workers smoothly get through their day.

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