3 things to look out for when screening a resume

Even with the latest workflow automation tools, recruitment agencies can still be required to process a lot of paperwork in their day-to-day activities.

One of the most complex and crucial tasks is to screen hundreds or thousands of resumes to efficiently pick out the most suitable candidates. While it can be arduous at times, this process is absolutely critical as it will help you source the best talent for your clients.

There are some tell-tale signs that can indicate that a particular CV stands out from the rest, or whether you should dump it straight into the rejection pile. What are some clues to look out for when screening your next batch of resumes?

1. Keywords

While efficiency software for processing resumes can quickly pick out which ones are the most relevant, candidates are increasingly catching onto this and employing tactics to cheat the system and boost their ranking.

Look beyond the keywords you used in your job advertisement, as candidates will invariably pepper their CV with these. Instead, look for evidence that shows how these keywords are relevant to the unique circumstances of the candidate and whether they can really bring value to your client.

2. Signs of durability

One of the key factors you should watch for in candidates is whether they are likely to stay in a job for a while, or whether they are job hoppers looking for their next short term gig.

Check the dates of employment for each place of employment on the resume. If there are several jobs where they have stayed less than a year, it could represent a risky investment.

3. Career advancement

Promotions and other signs of career advancement can be signs you have a great candidate on your hands – for example, look for multiple roles within the same organisation.

Recruitment software such as FastTrack360 can be an immense help when screening resumes for your client. With a dedicated FastScan feature, you'll be able to select the best candidates in no time.

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