Winter productivity affects majority of employees

According to a recently released report from Thermos, the majority of Australian employees feel the productivity drain during winter.

As part of their Weathering the Workplace report, Thermos surveyed a cross section of Australian employees to gauge if the season changes affect their well-being.

The results found by researchers were not overly surprised to any business executive. Over two-thirds (67 per cent) of respondents believe that winter has an impact on their productivity and 37 per cent have trouble getting into a morning rhythm during colder weather.

Distractions of colder weather tend to affect behaviour patterns and routines, which the survey found to be true. Australians are 17 per cent more likely to stop work to make a hot drink during winter. As well as this, 14 per cent are distracted by looking at the inclement weather out the window.

Paul Fitzgerald, Thermos Australia marketing manager, explained it is clear in June and July that workplace productivity dips significantly.

"We all know it can be hard to get out of bed and start moving when it's cold outside, however this study suggests that Australians feel the affects of winter more than most realise," he said.

"Although our winters don't really compare with the likes of North America or Scandinavia, it's clear that the weather still impacts our attitudes and workplace behaviours."

Mr Fitzgerald stated this can be displayed in a number of ways including lower energy levels, poor moods and inadequate time management.

For businesses looking to add that spark to their workforces during winter, productivity software is a solution. The software can make complex processes simple and allows better workflow process efficiency.

As vital functions like payroll and billing are critical to business productivity, it is important these aspects are easy to manage so employees can avoid unnecessary errors.

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