What skills will you be looking for in the future?

While most jobs require candidates to have their own unique set of capabilities for success, there are some skills that transcend industries and which employers of any nature are likely to desire. 

These often include basic personal qualities such as punctuality, but new research has found that there is a broader set of skills that most jobs will require in the near future. 

Deloitte's Australia's Digital Pulse report discussed the increasing demand for IT skills across multiple industries and how this is now driving recruitment in this sector. 

Although IT competency is already a prerequisite for many jobs already, the complexity of the skills these companies require is likely to increase along with new technology trends.

What should employers be looking for?

Businesses should be using recruitment software to group candidates by the skills they can offer in the future as these trends develop. Australia's increasing reliance on digital trends was detailed in Deloitte's report, which found the country's digital economy grew $50 billion in 2011 to just under $80 billion by 2014. 

The importance of IT skills will not be limited to traditional IT industries either, as Deloitte found the majority of the country's IT workers (52 per cent) are employed elsewhere – in roles such as "public administration and financial services". 

Hopefully, this demand will help reduce the skills gaps plaguing various companies across Australia. For this to happen however, these skills need to be introduced to the country's future workforce at a young age. 

According to Deloitte, the answer to this is not simply to educate children, but those doing the teaching as well. To keep up with the demand for IT skills, the education system needs to be prepared to impart the required skills to the next generation of workers.

The firm believes the use of technology in the classroom is new for most schools around Australia and is an area for improvement to preserve the next generation of IT workers.

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