What recruitment challenges will the public sector face in 2016?


With 2016 now well underway, organisations across Australia will be aware of the many challenges they are likely to face in the remaining months. As they begin to formulate plans to manage these concerns it’s important to be aware of how the challenges may develop further and what this will mean for their recruitment solutions.

New research has found that the public sector in particular will face its own unique set of challenges as it looks to align itself with private sector trends. A number of these issues will directly impact talent acquisition and retention in the coming 12 months, so it’s important that organisations in the public sector have access to effective recruitment software and the right strategies.

Is the public sector missing out on creative employees?

Adobe investigated the various attitudes toward the need for creative employees and how this differs between the public and private sectors. One of the most important issues, according to survey respondents, is the fact that creativity is undervalued by organisations in the public sector. The results revealed that 73 per cent of people believe this is the case.

Creativity is undervalued in the public sector.

However, the survey also revealed that people are committed to changing these trends. Adobe found that 94 per cent or respondents believe that the public sector cam match its private counterparts in terms of creativity.

Becoming more creative as an organisation doesn’t just mean hiring more people that fit this criteria, however. More than half (57 per cent) of people noted that current employees are being as creative as they could be, suggesting there is plenty of room for more effective talent management strategies.

Google believes it has the answer to these concerns, with the organisation revealing that employees need psychological safety in their work environments to ensure they are able to take the risks associated with creativity confidently.

Digital transformation slows in the public sector

Organisations across the globe are managing new demands to evolve in accordance with changing technology trends. In this case, however, private companies appear to have an edge of government departments and other organisations on the public sector.

Is new technology slowing your organisation down?

Research Vice President at Gartner Rick Howard noted that the need for the public sector to embrace new technology such as cloud computing and big data will test leaders.

“This calls for better succession management practices and behaviours in government,” he explained. “Progress toward higher levels of digital capability must not be slowed down or derailed by changes in executive leadership.”

“Continuity of vision is the key to building on technology investments made by prior administrations.”

To find out more about embracing the latest technology in your recruitment practices, contact the team at FastTrack.

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