Clearing the myths around cloud security


In today’s digitally enabled market, protecting data is a serious issue for businesses. With technology housing a myriad of sensitive information, many companies are wary of using innovations such as cloud-based efficiency software to drive their operations.

The misconception is that storing you data on the cloud makes it more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats because it is not contained within the in-house systems of the business and is therefore less protected. However, this view turns out to be largely untrue, and it can in fact be very beneficial for companies to manage their data through cloud software.

Security is a concern for many businesses, but cloud platforms can in fact be the safest option.

Security a prominent concern for businesses

Since the dawn of IT, data security has been a significant challenge for those who use it. According to a 2015 report by CloudLock, there are an average of 100,000 files per organisation that are at risk of being compromised by a cyberthreat. Of these, 4,000 contain vital information such as security passwords and personal details.

Understandably, many businesses are cautious when it comes to investing in relatively new technologies such as the cloud. Research by BT Group revealed that in 2014, 49 per cent of the global respondents reported being “very or extremely anxious” about the security repercussions of cloud-based services.

Likewise, RightScale’s 2016 State of the Cloud report revealed that security is the second biggest concern overall for cloud users, ranking just below a lack of resources and expertise.

Cloud platforms can help to protect sensitive data.

With cyber criminals getting more clever and resourceful by the day, it is clear why so many businesses are resistant to embracing technological developments like cloud services, regardless of the perceived benefits. Yet on the other hand, increasing cloud adoption rates suggest that security fears are not preventing people from using the cloud for things like online timesheet. Rather, it shows that this is an issue that must be constantly addressed to keep data safe.

The truth of the matter is that in many ways, cloud-based platforms are actually far safer than anything a business could host themselves, but BT Security President Mark Hughes recommends a pragmatic approach to cloud adoption.

“I would suggest organisations undertake a thorough risk analysis before opting for mass market cloud services. Every organisation has a different appetite for risk and these needs to be factored into the decision buying equation,” he said.

Of businesses using the cloud, 59 per cent say it has improved their security.

The truth of cloud-based cyber security

Established cloud platforms are able to provide more effective security measures than most most business can develop for themselves because of their greater resources and remote locations.

According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 59 per cent of businesses that are using cloud services say it has improved their levels of and approach to information security. Secure cloud platforms are created though a collaboration of several factors, including improved infrastructures, high bandwidth connectivity, and the expertise of IT specialists.

Cloud platforms can be extremely useful for managing the flow of business data, accessibility, and efficiency, but nevertheless it is important to look at the security capabilities of specific providers when deciding on a software to invest in.

There are a number of possible ways that platforms can protect businesses’ information, and ensure that a high level of security is maintained. For example, unauthorised external access to the servers can be prevented through certified and monitored firewalls. Providers can require that users choose a very strong password for accessing the information, and share it with no-one else. In addition, data can be regularly backed up and stored in different locations to ensure that nothing is lost.

Despite concerns, the benefits of cloud adoption can largely outweigh the risks, so long as you are taking sufficient precautions to protect data. If you would like to know more about how FastTrack can protect your information and improve the operations of your business, contact us today.

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