Utilising the cloud in your recruitment process


Over the course of 2015, cloud storage and software has evolved from an anticipated innovation to a useful tool for businesses.

According to a recent survey we conducted, 50 per cent of recruitment companies in Australia have adopted this technology. However, many firms are still not planning to introduce the cloud into their functions in the near future.

Here are three key ways that cloud technology can add real value to the recruitment process.

1) Better cross-communication 

Choosing the best fitting candidate often requires a second, third or sometimes even fourth opinion. The ability to rapidly share information and gather feedback from different departments is therefore an important part of the decision-making process when selecting and shortlisting candidates.

Sharing information is an important part of the recruitment process.

A survey conducted by Brother found that 69 per cent of companies improved their data analysis abilities by using the cloud. In terms of larger organisations, Tata Communications found that 67 per cent of organisations had seen faster delivery to clients after adopting cloud technology.

2) Secure storage of candidate information

Keeping information safe is important to uphold trust and integrity amongst your clients.

In an increasingly paperless office, storing digital files securely is becoming a critical priority for businesses. Collecting, storing and categorising candidate information can be a challenging task, especially with information coming from many different sources. Cloud solutions offer a user-friendly and efficient system to quickly recall and organise job applications, interview notes and other key documents in the recruitment process.

With increasing risk of cybersecurity breaches, keeping this information safe is also important to uphold trust and integrity amongst your clients. This means choosing a system which has in-built measures to defend against potential breaches and cyberattacks.

3) Improved efficiency in temporary hires

A key area where cloud technology can be applied is in recruiting temporary or contract workers. In this situation, businesses need to ensure the process is as streamlined as possible from end-to-end to get the most out of the short-term hire.

Using just one efficiency cloud software that covers each stage from recruitment to payroll is the most effective way. A study from Equinix found that 80 per cent of Australian companies planned to use multiple cloud systems in their operations, which can lead to confusion, frustration and unnecessary delays. One streamlined solution that covers front -and back-office demands can ensure temporary workers are onboarded as quickly as possible.

The cloud can offer many benefits to businesses during the recruitment phase, provided they select the best programs on the market.

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