Optimising your recruitment processes in a candidate’s market

Employment growth is strong around Australia. In fact, over the five years to November 2018 the government expects there will be a total increase of 838,100 jobs in our economy, an expansion of 7.2 per cent. Such growth is promising for our economy but this silver cloud comes with a dark lining.

Talent in Australia is not keeping up with job growth and several industries are experiencing severe national skills shortages. How can your agency excel at recruiting in a candidate’s market?

Optimising your recruitment processes is essential to competing in a candidates market.

Recruiting in a candidates market

The latest Skills Shortage List from the Department of Jobs and Small Business shows that there are severe national talent shortages in the following occupations:

  • Architecture
  • Surveying.
  • Sonography.
  • Audiology.
  • Construction industry and trade.
  • Automotive and Engineering Trades Workers.
  • Arborists.
  • Hairdressers.
  • Bakers.
  • Pastry chefs.
  • Chefs.
  • Butchers.

There are also regional shortages for other occupations. This means that hiring for any of these occupations could be extremely challenging. You may only have half a dozen applicants for postings and perhaps only one or two suitable applicants, depending on the job.

Your recruitment agency has to optimise its recruitment processes and focus on delivering value to clients in order to stand out from the crowd.

Using technology to improve recruitment processes

Using quality tools and technology are essential to your agency’s success in the recruitment business. The wrong software can waste your staff’s time, damage your brand as well as cost you money to maintain.

The right recruitment software can help streamline and optimise everything you do.

Smart and efficient recruitment software on the other hand can supercharge your staff’s efficiency, strengthen your brand and save you money in the long run. FastTrack 360, end-to-end recruit, time, pay, bill system can do exactly that, allowing you to manage all your business’s functions from within one smart cloud-based system.

It can help you brand all your communication with clients, auto-post job listings, integrate with your favourite applications, and streamline your payroll and billing functions. The market is challenging right now, and while you can’t do anything to create more talent, you can use technology to improve your recruitment processes.

With the right software your recruitment agency will be ready to weather the storm of talent shortages. To get started get in touch today using the form below.

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