Survey highlights Australia’s recruitment problems

Recruitment businesses will need to do more to stop employees leaving for overseas markets, based on the results of recent survey.

The poll conducted by Morgan McKinley Australia surveyed more than 350 candidates and clients across different industries and sectors. Researchers hoped to gain valuable insight into how employees view their career progression and how many are willing to look overseas if they become unhappy in their current job.

The results of the survey are startling for any business or recruitment agency. 

More than 60 per cent of respondents claimed a lack of career progression would be a main reason for leaving a job. It seems this is an issue for Australian businesses because just 48 per cent said their current employee had fulfilled their desired progression thus far.

It remains unclear whether it is because of a lack of workflow automation or too many colleagues in the way of progression, but 68 per cent would leave Australia to investigate better opportunities overseas. Over four in ten employees would travel to Asia for employment.

This highlights a clear disconnection between employees and their executives. Either there was an issue during the recruitment process in what role the employee fits into or there isn't a forum for these issues to be aired.

In most cases like this, the employer is losing invaluable skills and possible experience. To keep employees productive and focussed, the work level needs to be correct and employees must know what pathways are available.

One way to do this is by investing in capable recruitment software. This software can accurately match candidates and track interviews and CVs. There is a high cost to employing the right person in the wrong position so having a streamlined process will ensure the perfect candidate is matched to the role.

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