Unemployment rate unusual reports Roy Morgan

The number of unemployed Australians has remained level at 1.25 million, according to new data compiled by Roy Morgan Research.

In a statement released September 2, the consumer, industry and market research company confirmed that of the 12.377 million people who make up the Australian workforce, 10.1 per cent are out of employment.

Roy Morgan Executive Chairman Gary Morgan has noted that the results represent a "seven-month employment low", and mark the lowest employment level recorded in Australia since January 2013.

"The fall in employment in August is unusual. Employment has risen in August in five out of the last six years – including in 2010 in the lead-up to the last Federal Election," said Mr Morgan.

The results may be of interest to those in the recruitment industry, as they suggest that constrained demand for employment in Australia may unlock as we conclude what has been an extended election process.

"The continuing high level of unemployment and under-employment in Australia shows the Australian economy urgently requires additional stimulus as the mining boom slows," he said.

It's worth noting that Roy Morgan's latest unemployment estimate is significantly higher than that reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics last month – 10.1 per cent compared to 5.7 per cent.

Roy Morgan reports that of the 1.25 million Australians currently looking for work, 631,000 are seeking full-time employment. Around 620,000 are pursuing part-time roles.

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