Improving productivity in a competitive market landscape

According to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics report into the national accounts, GDP per hour worked – which offers a broad measure of labour productivity – has increased by 1.8 per cent in the 12 months to June 2013.

That's good news for Australian businesses, as it suggests that national productivity is on the rise following a report from the Productivity Commission in June which suggested the country was lacking in this area.

However, while the productivity of Australia as a whole may be increasing, there's still plenty that individual organisations in the recruitment sector can be doing in order to increase their own output.

When it comes down to it, maximising productivity within your recruitment agency is all about taking engaged and productive employees and equipping them with the tools they need to execute their goals.

Without powerful technology such as workforce efficiency software to help teams do their work, your employees will be unable to optimise productivity on a day to day basis.

With that in mind, it may be worthwhile looking at the range of productivity solutions available that are designed to help recruitment agencies improve efficiency across a range of tasks.

By implementing tightly integrated software solutions, agencies can improve the efficiency of a range of business critical functions, from initial search & recruitment stages, right through to payment and billing duties.

Furthermore, the best recruitment productivity software is tightly integrated across all the business functions, ensuring that you are maximising efficiency not just in one department, but throughout the entire organisation.

In today's competitive economic climate, businesses in all industries are hunting for new and innovative ways to improve productivity.

An intuitive, tailored recruitment software solution could be the answer towards ensuring that your recruitment agency can sustain a competitive edge by enabling productivity for all your staff.

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