Technology critical to success in today’s recruitment industry


A big challenge recruitment agencies face is inefficiencies in the business due to a lack of appropriate, up-to-date technology systems. Too often, for example, we see a lack of connectivity between front office solutions – the recruitment part of the system – and the all-important middle and back office parts, where payments and invoices are processed.

Many agencies are using separate applications for recruitment, payroll and billing, which means information often has to be re-entered into a second or third system. So work is being duplicated.

“Many agencies are using separate applications for recruitment, payroll and billing.”

Great technology can streamline your agency

While there have been some exciting developments in front office solutions – it’s the sexy part that gets the most attention – the middle and back office are really the engine room of the agency from a financial point of view. Not having the front, middle and back systems all nicely tied into each other can introduce inefficiencies, impacting on an organisation’s overall performance. Not giving enough priority or consideration to the middle and back office and how these functions collaborate with the front office is why many agencies start becoming unprofitable.

At FastTrack, we believe that an end-to-end strategy enabled by great technology is a critical component for recruiting organisations and will help your agency become more productive, successful and relevant in a competitive business environment.

Great technology can really help recruitment companies tick.

Our unique proposition is that we provide FastTrack360 – an end-to-end recruitment software tool that embodies one connected, integrated recruit, payroll and billing solution.  Around its core functions of recruit, pay, bill, an exciting new MarketPlace add-on will link recruiters to a range of third-party organisations which will extend the power of the platform. In this way, we’re helping recruiters stay up to date with all sorts of solutions that can help make them successful over time and as new and innovative ideas come along make them readily accessible.

“Our unique proposition is that we provide FastTrack360 – an end-to-end recruitment software tool.”

How FastTrack can help

If you’d like to have a chat with us about FastTrack360 end-to-end recruitment software, please feel free to get in touch. Our commitment is to operate as a trusted advisor and or professional consultants are ready to help. We know that the implementation of a new software solution can be disruptive for a busy agency. However, we have a lot of experience in doing so with a large number of recruitment and labour hire organisations in Australia and New Zealand. We can bring that experience to the table to get the best outcome for you and your recruiters.

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