Recruitment insight into new generation of employee

Making adjustments for the next generation of employee may seem farfetched.

However, to retain and nurture this upcoming talent, employees must know what they want.

It is expected by 2020, the more than 6 million Generation Y (born early 80s to early 2000s) employees will dominate Australia's labour market.

Businesses beginning to hire younger employees to balance their ageing workforce might find Hays' latest research interesting. The recruitment firm surveyed a thousand 18 to 30 year-olds to gauge their views and thoughts on employment in Australia.

According to the results, 64 per cent of respondents identify that varied and interesting work is the most important factor in the working environment. This was followed by flexible hours (50 per cent) and flexible benefits (37 per cent). 

It was surprising to note that social life and a modern work environment failed to feature higher on this list.

Australian Managing Director of Hays Nick Deligiannis explained work and progression is important to the next generation.

"We also found that Gen Y in Australia are highly entrepreneurial, and are willing to undertake further study to progress their careers," he said.

"This group are very focused on attaining a work-life balance, which includes a desire for flexible hours and the possibility of working from home."

Hay's research illustrates that job security is very important to this work group, with 45 per cent having a desire for it from their career. Most (67 per cent), believe that it is achievable, while just 33 per cent don't think it is.

"That's not to say they are unrealistic though, as they are fully aware of the importance of job security, loyalty and financial compensation," Mr Deligiannis explained.

To make sure that your business obtains the best talent from the next generation, state-of-the-art recruitment software will be required.

The software can ensure high potential candidates are paired with jobs that best meet their skills. Placing the right person in the best position ensures that the employee has the optimum environment to achieve their goals in the industry.

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