Online business could spark renewed Australian job boom

Sectors such as mining and construction have been the cornerstones of the Australian job market over the last few years. However, as is the case with any trend, the real question is what's next?

The answer to that appears to be one word – online.

Technology businesses – and not the tried and tested huge corporations, but start-ups – could well be the driving force across the Australian labour market in the coming months and years.

Australian technology industry

The Australian Bureau of Statistics acknowledged in January that it needs to play more of an active role in how it reports the effects that the technology industry is having on the wider Australian economy.

With that in mind, it's the early adopters that could be set to feel the biggest benefits.

Katrina McCarter founded Bubbler Deals – a website centred on delivering discounts and vouchers – in 2011.

She had a corporate background in the grocery industry and a limited amount of experience in the online environment. However, she was driven by the unique idea of focussing on the family market.

Online start-ups

While the site has subsequently ticked off over $1 million of sales, Ms McCarter explained to the Sydney Morning Herald that there are still challenges to overcome.

"You can upskill and outsource IT, but it can be very isolating being in a very small business and you need the ability to reach out to others and collaborate and build partnerships," she surmised. 

Small online start-ups can often struggle to secure capital in Australia but seeing as the market is still relatively untapped, it appears likely that the technology sector will grow, and have the potential to drive a new job boom across the country.

Implementing recruitment software is the perfect way to keep track of hires and any subsequent payroll, regardless of sector. To that end, FastTrack360 can keep sourcing, engaging and managing any talent pool simple.

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