Managing data security in your HR department


Cybersecurity is a top technological concern for businesses. In the HR department, professionals have a duty to protect employee information and ensure that cybercriminals cannot easily access private systems.

How are firms around the world keeping pace with security concerns and what can recruitment professionals do to ensure they uphold safety in recruitment software?

Senior managers need to lead the way to better security

54 per cent of business had no dedicated function to deal with cyber risks.

A recent survey found that many businesses are not taking the required steps to prevent cybersecurity breaches. Out of the global companies questioned by Ernst & Young (EY), 54 per cent had no dedicated function to deal with  emerging technology. On top of this, 47 per cent lacked a security operations centre.

The top three highest perceived risks were criminal syndicates, hacktivists and state-sponsored groups. Since 2014, the concern surrounding these groups has become more common among global firms. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated and aggressive, EY’s Global Cybersecurity Leader Ken Allan highlighted the need for companies to become proactive in their approach to security.

“Businesses should not overlook or underestimate the potential risks of cyber breaches. Instead, they should develop a laser-like focus on cybersecurity and make the required investments,” he said.

As part of wider company changes, businesses need to consider efficiency software that has sufficient measures to prevent data breaches, hacking and other attacks from compromising information.

HR departments pose a particular security risk

A survey from ClearSwift shed some insight into how security professionals view the HR department in terms of risk. Among the specialists surveyed, 42 per cent stated that this particular area of the business poses a major threat to data security. Only finance exceeded this group with 48 per cent of responses.

Middle managers in HR departments are a significant risk to cybersecurity.

The two major causes of this high risk rate are due to the sensitivity of employee information and cultural factors such as a lack of understanding around correct compliance procedures.

Within an organisation, middle managers present the greatest threat of causing an incident. Chief Executive at Clearswift Heath Davies explained that this is due to the increased access to information and a lack of accountability if an incident does occur. From this case, it is important to ensure that all workers are aware of the significant consequences of a data breach due to a lack of care.

Finance companies a good example in cybersecurity

Certain sectors are becoming more aware of the risk of cybercrime and the finance industry is becoming a strong model for other businesses. Out of the global financial firms surveyed by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 91 per cent have adopted a comprehensive security framework.

Global and US Advisory Cybersecurity Leader David Burg stated that businesses must utilise both external and internal resources to tackle threats.

“There is no one-size-fits-all model for effective cybersecurity,” he explained. “It’s a journey toward a future state that starts with the right mix of technologies, processes, and people skills.”

Mr Burg went on to explain that senior leaders have a key role to play in ensuring business have the means to deal with new concerns. One of the rising areas that could potentially cause issues in the future is the Internet of Things. So far, 36 per cent of companies have enacted a strategy to address this concern, but many more will have to face the implications of this technology in the future.

Protecting your data can be a considerable challenge, but with the right software and skills on board, your business can reduce the risks and take action against cyberattacks.

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