Digital transformation: Are organisations up to the task?


Digital transformation is often hard for businesses to fully keep track of. New programs and innovations emerge on a regular basis and understanding how these can apply to a particular firm takes a lot of critical thinking.

However, the payoffs of integrating innovations, such as online timesheets, into the day-to-day operations of a firm can be immense for firms that can adopt technologies to best effect.

How can businesses better prepare for digitalisation?

According to IDC, digital transformation will be a key priority for the IT industry during 2016. As Chief Analyst Frank Gens explained, a number of important technologies will see more widespread use amongst businesses around the globe.

“We’ll see massive upshifts in commitment to DX initiatives, 3rd Platform IT, the cloud, coders, data pipelines, the Internet of Things, cognitive services, industry cloud platforms, and customer numbers and connections,” he said.

Cloud computing will continue to play a part in digital disruption.

As more companies open up to these innovations, firms that struggle with technology will find themselves outpaced by their competition. However, relying on a strong CIO could be the way to spur change within a business.

A recent survey conducted by Gartner found that 52 per cent of Australian and New Zealand CIOs are already creating the base for digital transformation. Furthermore, digital revenue is expected to increase to 32 per cent of a company’s total revenue.

This shift will require a more adaptable approach from all senior managers in order to fully capitalise on the benefits that technology brings.

Public sector in Australia struggling with digital transformation

When it comes to adopting digital technologies, 70 per cent of public sector organisations feel they are lagging behind their private counterparts when it comes to utilising digitalisation.

Only 30 per cent of public sector organisations felt confident in their ability to respond to these trends.

Although 75 per cent of respondents stated that disruptions are affecting the public sector, only 30 per cent felt confident in their organisation’s ability to respond successfully to these trends. Common barriers to better adoption included a lack of leadership and limited funds to invest in new initiatives.

Digital transformation is a lot easier to implement by getting the right specialists on board. By using specialised recruitment software, companies will be able to find permanent or temporary experts to help spark new projects and initiatives.

Lagging behind in technology is no longer an option and business leaders must take a proactive approach in adopting new platforms and innovations to stay competitive.

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