As-a-service software becoming more widespread

The influence of IT on businesses is growing larger every year and recent reports have outlined what part outsourcing will play in the interaction with businesses. 

Research Institute Gartner defines software as a service (SaaS) as a platform that is "owned, delivered and managed remotely by one or more providers" on a subscription basis. This can be used in a number of different applications, such as payroll software

One of the emerging uses of SaaS that Gartner identified is data management. While the technology still needs further development, many firms will utilise software-defined data centres (SDDC) in the future.

Currently, this type of software is only suited to firms that have a strong grasp of infrastructure and operations architecture. However, by 2020, 75 per cent of Global 2,000 enterprises will require the capabilities of SDDCs for implementing a hybrid cloud model or modern IT applications such as DevOps. 

While SaaS will see more widespread use, businesses still need an understanding of how SDDCs and other platforms will add value to their firm and how they will undertake effective implementation. 

Bernadette Jew, partner at legal firm Gilbert + Tobin explained how these platforms will effect Australian businesses in the near future.

"In many ways, the new kind of As-A-Service outsourcing is going to give enterprises a chance to leapfrog on to new technologies," she said in a September 1 interview with The Australian.

"The next wave of saving is ­really going to come not through labour arbitrage but much more automation of these business processes.''

As technology develops further, outsourcing into specialised software providers will become a key part of everyday business function. Seeking solutions such as third-party recruitment software will be important to keep pace in a changing business environment. 

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