How can you best prepare for the recruitment process?


While there are high expectations in the recruitment process for the candidate to take on preparation tasks, the interviewing party has an important role to play in the application phase.

Conducting an end-to-end hire effectively can be a time-consuming and complex task. However, by streamlining the process with recruitment software, you may find you have more time to dedicate to ensuring you are are adequately prepared to find new talent.

Honing your interview technique

The interview is one of the staple parts of the process. A survey from Hays found that 83 per cent of companies now conduct them, compared to 68 per cent in 2008.

Interviewers need to carefully consider their questions.

In order to get the most out of the face-to-face interaction, it is important to develop a strong collection of questions, as Managing Director of Hays ANZ Nick Deligiannis explained.

“Good interview technique is not just the candidate’s responsibility,” he said. “Managers also need to develop their skills in order to secure the best person for the job.”

As highlighted in a Harvard Business Review article, this preparation includes careful consideration about your questions. Asking cliche and generalist questions such as “what are your weakness” can waste valuable face-to-face time. In order to get the best insight into the candidate, interviewers should practice asking questions that directly relate to the role.

Doing your background research

Another important part of the process is looking into the candidate’s background. While a CV and cover letter can say a lot, there may be things that these documents omit, either accidently or otherwise. This is where social media checks can clear up any grey areas.

26 per cent of Australians have a LinkedIn page.

According to a recent Sensis survey, 26 per cent of Australians have a LinkedIn page and a whopping 93 per cent have a personal Facebook page as well. Gathering information from these sites is fast becoming a supplementary step in analysing candidates in more detail.

This is an important process in determining if the information on a CV is correct. A variation in career dates, type of role or qualifications may highlight possible red flags to address in the interview.

On a lighter note, this research also brings up areas that the candidate missed in their application documents. For example, a professional might only briefly mention particular experience in a specialised area, a LinkedIn page can provide more details that align with the job.

With the right efficiency software handling some key recruitment functions, any business can spend the required effort on analysing and selecting the best candidate for a role.

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