Employee engagement a leading concern for organisations

Keeping employees engaged with their work and ensuring their performance remains strong has emerged as a leading concern for companies, with many investing in productivity solutions to drive greater growth.

According to research from Human Capital Media Advisory Group, companies are responding to this challenge by investing heavily in new tools to maintain engagement.

The research asked human resources managers and departments to rank the areas where they are investing in innovative tools as part of a growth strategy. Top of the list among those surveyed was around engagement, with 60 per cent citing this as an area where they are investing heavily.

Other major reasons for companies to invest in new productivity tools include the demands of an increasingly competitive business landscape. A further 37 per cent of respondents cited an improved competitive advantage as a major reason for this investment, with the need for a culture of innovation reaching the same number.

When asked which areas within human resources are seeing the greatest investment, talent acquisition and management both ranked highly. For these two measures, 47 per cent and 44 per cent respectively cited them as a major area of investment when it came to innovation processes.

Other high-ranking areas included leadership development (45 per cent) and the top-placed learning and development (65 per cent). Succession planning on the other hand, ranked at the bottom of the survey, with only 25 per cent citing this as an area they were investing in.

For recruiters in particular, this research underscores just how important it is to find productivity solutions that can drive further change in an organisation. With innovation becoming increasingly important for an organisation, integrating this into a talent acquisition process is essential for achieving long-term success.

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