Blind recruitment adopted by overseas firms – Is Australia next?

The nature of the recruitment industry appears to be changing by the minute, with all manner of interesting and alternative hiring strategies changing the way businesses secure talent. 

One of the latest developments set to test recruitment software is the concept of blind recruiting, a process that is finding favour in the UK currently. 

What is blind recruitment?

According to the UK government, blind recruitment is the process of excluding names from job applications, allowing candidates to be judged solely upon their skills and experience. The initiative is part of an effort to reduce discrimination in the country's job market, following news that there's a notable bias toward "white-sounding" names. 

Currently, the initiative has received support from both the public and private sector, ensuring graduates looking for jobs in a range of industries all receive equal opportunity. As it stands, those that have pledged their support for the campaign are responsible for the employment of more than 1.8 million people across the UK. 

The public sector employers included in the initiative encompass the Civil Service and National Health Service. These institutions are supported in the private sector by companies such as KPMG and Deloitte. 

Comments from the UK Prime Minister

UK Prime Minister David Cameron believes the commitment to blind recruitment is an important step for the country. 

"I said in my conference speech that I want us to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality in our country today," he explained. "Today we are delivering on that commitment and extending opportunity to all.

"If you've got the grades, the skills and the determination this government will ensure that you can succeed."

Deloitte has also taken a similar stance when it comes to the institution where applicants were educated. From now on, hiring managers at Deloitte will be unable to view the university or other educational facility where candidates studied.

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