Australian job seekers aspire for the summit

Australian employees are striving for promotion, according to a recent survey from recruiting authority Hays.

Despite perceived thoughts from business executives that most employees don't wish to join the corporate ladder, the survey shows something very different. More than half (55 per cent) of the more than 1,300 Australian professionals who participated in the study said they aspire to be a top executive.Another 29 per cent said they want to work in mid to senior level management.

Just 16 per cent of respondents said they do not want to work in a management role.

As employees climb the ladder towards their personal summit the vacancies, particularly in Australia, get harder to find. This means both employers and employees need to work together to make sure potential C-suite executives have the necessary skills to get there.

Managing Director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand Nick Deligiannis explained what skills a good executive needs.

"Top executives devise strategies and policies to ensure that an organisation meets its goals. They need to have a wide variety of skills and abilities to plan, direct, and coordinate a company's operational activities," he said.

"Executives who have made it to the top are those who have successfully used their expertise to become excellent operators, and combined their technical skills with the highest levels of people, management, communication and organisational skills."

Businesses who can provide professional development to potential leaders will benefit from talent hopefully staying within the company. When there are employees striving to better themselves and gaining skills, executives need to recognise this and let it flourish.

Recruitment software can ensure high potential candidates are paired with jobs that best meet their skills. Placing the right person in the best position ensures that the employee has the optimum environment to achieve their goals in the industry.

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