Are you optimising your recruitment process for mobile devices?


Mobile devices is an area of technology that has grown exponentially in the past few years. While the idea of having a device that can access the internet on the go was completely unheard of in the past, it is now becoming commonplace in our day-to-day lives.

However, businesses need to start carefully considering how to utilise these technologies in the end-to-end recruitment process.

Devices usage to grow in mature markets

According to Gartner’s recent predictions, the number of interconnected devices is expected to reach 7.8 billion units by 2016. This amount will grow even more by 2018, reaching a total of 8.3 billion units worldwide. By this stage, the average user in mature markets will have at least three personal devices, including traditional tools like laptops and new innovations including wearable technologies.

The increasing use of mobile devices has key implications for recruitment.

Research Director Anshul Gupta named some key drivers that were encouraging the uptake of these devices.

“The combination of the high level of adoption of technology, the availability of faster networks, and decision making becoming increasingly dependent on real-time information, will undoubtedly lead to more devices per user,” he explained.

Using specialised recruitment software that candidates can access on the go is a wise method to take advantage of mobile platforms. To help engage with a more high-tech audience, it is important to ensure that your communications are up-to-date and able to be accessed on mobile devices. As Google explained, this includes optimising your website for readability. Ensuring visitors have a good experience on your site is key for attracting future candidates.

Adopting technology into your company

Developments and trends that affect recruitment are not just limited to the mobile sphere. As Managing Director of Hays, innovations are having a critical but positive effect on the labour market in Australia.

Trends such flexible workforces and outsourcing will all influence recruitment efforts.

“Technology is not only driving how products are made and promoted but also how employees perform their jobs – it’s creating entire new careers, reshaping existing ones, and changing the way organisations recruit and engage talent,” he said.

Trends such as development operations, flexible workforces, a re-focus on the customer experience and outsourcing will all influence recruitment efforts. Businesses must be aware of how these aspects will add value to their business in 2016.

To help deal with the new needs for organisations, investing in productivity software will be a wise move to ensure businesses can find the right talent quickly and with ease. This will be especially vital for firms looking to bring on temporary workers to help create new technology systems.

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