3 critical points in the end-to-end recruitment process


In order to enact a successful end-to-end recruitment process, businesses need to watch over all stages with a critical eye.

However, there are specific moments that are crucial when it comes to picking the right candidate. According to Brandon Hall consulting, a bad hire can cost a company on average between US$740 and US$3,798, with the expense rising along with the importance of the role. These costs are incurred through reduced productivity, lower retention rates and a damaging effect on the company culture.

To ensure these factors are minimised in your company, here are three key points to perfect when hiring your new employee.

Communicating job requirements

According to a survey from Recruiting Trends, the three most important considerations for a candidate are experience and skill set, attitude and fit with the company culture. All of these factors scored over four out of five when ranked based on importance.

To get the right applicants from the start, a company needs to think carefully about what exactly is needed for the position. This may involve analysing the current workforce to see where the biggest skill gaps are and what experience is needed to achieve a new strategic direction.

Once this is determined, you can write up a description that matches what a company needs. Job descriptions should be to the point, comprehensive and clear on the goals of your company and how a potential candidate can propel the overall strategy.

Short listing candidates 

With a high amount of pressure and a limited time-frame, drawing up an interview list can be a hard task. There is also the need for a large amount of communication as a firm arranges slots with interviewees and inform others that they are out of the running for the role.

During this phase, technology such as recruitment software can help keep this process as streamlined as possible. Having more efficient flows of communication will ensure candidates are contacted in a timely manner and the interview process can be as efficient and less stressful for both parties.

The first day

The recruitment process does not end after selecting your new hire. The onboarding process is an ongoing matter and companies need to get their workers off to the best start possible.

However, research from Robert Half found this doesn’t always hold true. Out of all the respondents surveyed, 54 per cent had experienced a slipup on their first day in the office. Technology was the most common culprit with 33 per cent experiencing a mishap related to this area.

To avoid this, make sure you have all the correct profiles set up before the new hire arrives, including in your payroll software. This will ensure you put the employee at ease and make their first few weeks more productive overall.

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