ABS: Part-time work can help Australian job seekers

Despite the preconceived notion that full-time jobs offer the best financial security to job hunters, part-time roles may also have an important role to play in Australia's economy, says the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The ABS recently released its 'Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation, Australia, July 2012 to June 2013' report, which looked at the latest employment trends across the country. One of the main takeaway points from the study was that Australian workers are increasingly diversified in their employment needs and requirements and are looking for flexible work arrangements to suit their individual circumstances.

For instance, a large proportion of men who are looking for work or only employed part-time want a job that matches their skills and experience. Women currently looking after a child, on the other hand, need a place of work that provides childcare facilities.

The ABS's Stephen Collett concluded that offering flexible part-time roles could be one solution to help these demographics ease into employment.

"We asked people what incentives encouraged them to look for work, or work more hours in their existing part time job and the biggest consideration for both men and women was the continued availability of part time hours," he said in a November 28 media release.

According to the ABS, there are currently 9.4 million people in Australia not working full-time, 28 per cent – or 2.6 million – of which would like a job or would like to work more hours.

The potential is therefore huge for recruitment agencies to tap into this eager market, and with the right recruitment software tools in place, your agency too can help these job seekers find the work they desire.

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