Workplace wellness programs key to productivity?

It has long been thought that a healthy workforce makes for a happy workplace, and a recent survey could go a long way to proving this right.

A recent US survey collaboration between Virgin Pulse and Workforce Magazine surveyed 361 organisations and 3,822 employees to analyse the challenges and benefits of a workplace wellness program. In the business world, there are concerns that if companies spend too much on wellness, there won't be enough for time for work, but the results show much the opposite.

According the survey, 87 per cent of employees say wellness programs affect company culture positively and nearly all (96 per cent) participate in one to benefit their own health.

As well as the benefits to existing employees, 88 per cent said it gave their business a boost in the recruitment process. Add in recruitment software which can help hire the best recruits and the ability to retain employees with a wellness program and this makes a company an attractive prospect for any potential candidate.

CEO of Virgin Pulse, Chris Boyce said a wellness program channels energy that will make the workplace healthier and more productive.

"We're in the midst of an engagement crisis. Overall employee disengagement is being reported at 70 per cent in the US and even higher globally. That means even on a good day, your employees aren't tapping their full brain power or reaching their full productivity potential," he said.

"Making an investment in employees and demonstrating a commitment to them and their well-being is a straightforward way to help employees make daily changes that lead to sustainable healthy behaviours and improvements in workplace engagement and productivity."

As budgets expand with more productivity, businesses can re-invest funds back into wellness program to further extend their reach. It is a win-win situation for employers and employees that can transform how a business operates and develops in the future.

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