Why should your email be integrated with your recruitment software?


Email is the primary communication tool for most of today’s jobseekers, but you may not be using it to its highest potential. While it can be a useful avenue on its own, allowing you to easily reach out to clients and candidates alike, for it to be most effective you need to integrate email into your recruitment software.

Here are four reasons why you should look for a provider that allows you to do this.

Integrating email in your recruitment software means that all information and communication will be in one place.

1. Creates a better candidate experience

In the candidate-driven market, it’s to your advantage to make the jobseeking process as simple as possible for candidates. They are no longer willing to jump through hoops to find a position, and expect the process to be both convenient and digitally accessible. By integrating email as part of your wider recruitment interface, you’ll be able to improve the experience candidates have when interacting with your company. In doing so, you establish a positive image for your brand and help to build your customer base.

2. Improves internal communication

The hiring process can often be spread across multiple departments of a recruitment company. Everyone from your consultants to your finance team needs to interact with candidates and clients. By centralising email within a single system, you can ensure that all information is easily accessible across the organisation, making it easier for different teams to communicate with one another. In addition, software that enables the synchronised use of calendar applications allows you to set up appointments and meetings with people through a single channel.

Don’t become overwhelmed by a tide of emails – consolidate them into a single system.

3. Streamlines hiring process

Likewise, this convergence of information and communication can streamline activities across the company. Recruitment consultants do not have to go searching through the database to find fragments of emails from candidates, and staff can check timesheets applications and the payroll through one system. This means that you not only save time internally, but you are able to deliver a more consistent and quality service to your customers. When looking for a job or searching for a new staff member, this timeliness can be crucial.

4. Minimises mistakes

Whether it’s repeatedly asking for the same information from candidates, losing parts of their application, sending an inaccurate bill to a client or placing the wrong candidate altogether, mistakes can be very costly to your reputation. When your email is in a single place, backed up and linked with the rest of the software platform, you are much more likely to get the process right first time around.

In this way, you can use email through a productivity solution to boost your reputation and improve the confidence that candidates and clients have in your business.

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