Where global talent is heading

New research has laid out what users of recruitment software may have suspected; today's top talent is on the move globally and it's not always the highest paycheck that attracts the best employees.  

The study by the Boston Consulting Group and The Network spoke to more than 200,000 people from 189 countries asking what they expected from their workplaces, what would convince them to relocate another country, and which countries they'd consider moving to.

The report covered a broad array of industries, and found that there was agreement among the international workforce on a number of points. There was, in general, a high willingness to work abroad with 1 in 5 already having workplace experience overseas and 64 per cent saying they were willing to travel, although some destinations had greater appeal than others. 

America was the most desired location to work in, with 42 per cent of all respondents saying they would be willing to work there. It also has particular appeal among impoverished countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Nicaragua and Honduras where 60 per cent or more said they would like to work in America. The UK and Canada took second and third place respectively with 37 and 35 per cent of respondents interested in working there. 

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region did not generate as much interest (apart from Australia, which took seventh place with 28 per cent of respondents wishing to work there). This was largely due to the perception of the difficulty of learning local languages, with China not appearing on any G20 country's top 10 lists. 

Motivating potential expatriates are a variety of desires including a wish to broaden their personal and work experience, better career opportunities, the desire to live in a different culture and having a better standard of living.

Would-be expatriates placed a premium on broadening their own personal experiences, as well as an interest in "softer" workplace rewards, with "appreciation for your work" topping the list of job happiness factors, and good relationships with colleagues and superiors also ranking highly.  

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