What’s really behind better recruitment productivity?


Recruiters are tasked with finding the right candidates that will help companies improve organisational flaws; but what about shoring up their own weaknesses?

Sourcing quality applicants is only expected to become more competitive as innovative agencies and HR departments adopt intuitive recruitment software that can streamline the hiring process. But to really gain an advantage over the rest of the field, you’ll need a better understanding of what’s behind ineffective recruiting practices and which specific tools can help position your team for success.

What is your team doing wrong?

Companies of all sizes are having difficulty finding the right candidates for open positions. This has led to the average length of the interview process alone to rise from 13 days to 23 days in just the last four years, according to Fast Company. There are a variety of underlying reasons behind this:

  • New positions are requiring niche skill sets.
  • A plethora of job listing sites has made it more difficult to cast a wide net.
  • Lack of data being provided to personnel for human capital analytics.
The interview process has extended from 13 to 23 days on average.

This isn’t expected to change. In fact, recruiting will only become more competitive as the Australian hiring market is set to increase in volume by 45 per cent, according to Undercover Recruiter. With many organisations already set to switch to a digital platform, automating the process only becomes as valuable as the applications being used.

Features to look for

One of the key advantages moving to recruitment software brings over conventional methods is the access to analytical insights. This allows recruiters to identify traits, skill sets and even the channels on which previously successful hires were found. The information can then be used as a foundation for decision-making purposes.

Data can be used with certain applications to improve hiring speed.

This type of data is crucial when you consider that not only will there be a higher volume of candidates available, but you’ll also need to single out high-quality applicants before competitors do. Furthermore, applications like Broadbean are allowing organisations to post job listings to a variety of websites simultaneously. While you’re casting a wider net here, you’ll also need criteria to quickly sift through potential candidates.

Features like setting preferences and exclusions or the ability to utilise job templates across the department are simple tools by nature, but incredibly effective when leveraged correctly. Shaving time off of each part of the recruitment process is what will help drive better productivity, but not every digital platform offers that ability. Contact a FastTrack representative today for more information on our proven software solutions.

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