Using social proof to build trust and attract new business

Social proof is the digital method of influencing of others and can be one of the most valuable tools in a recruiter’s marketing kitbag.

It’s critical for recruiters and recruitment marketing to maximise the positive words, testimonials, and case studies offered by those you work with because recommendations are one of the most important, and influential, marketing tactics.


When clients and candidates are researching your business online they are not looking at your perfect prose, they are reading/listening/watching the words and experiences of people who have worked with you before.

This is social proof and was a term coined in the 1980s when the views of others were really starting to resonate. Social proof is simpler to demonstrate if you have an evolving online presence, which includes your dedicated recruitment website, social media platforms, landing pages, email newsletters, and case studies/BD materials.

What’s more, social proof is great to be pitched on your social media and on your recruitment website and can be design-led, too.



For social proof to work for you, you must seek the advice of those with who you have worked – for recruitments professionals read clients and successfully placed candidates. Take the rough with the smooth, and from the feedback you receive, utilise it to promote your business as well as understand where expectations have fallen short.




If you’ve delivered a great service, ask for your clients and candidates for some feedback in the form of a testimonial, this then can be used in your outbound marketing efforts including social media, client newsletters and mailers.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a testimonial, explain what it’s for and you’ll be surprised how accommodating the recipient will be to helping you grow. Such testimonials should be used on your website, social media and when pitching to new clients. Be proud of the service you’ve delivered.

Case studies

You’ve got a mountain of happy clients & candidates all echoing what a tremendous job you have done – and continue to do. There’s no more powerful marketing than a recommendation through a case study so leverage your clients. Organise an interview and, once they have agreed to a conversation, ask some non invasive, yet illuminating questions about your services solved a pain point. Load your case study with fantastic comments, but before you issue ensure you gain sign-off from your happy client.


Like a case study, reviews posted on your Google profile are another healthy example of social proof. You can also look at other independent providers of reviews such as Trustpilot. Objective, honest and deliberate these are always helpful to the growth of your business.

Again, positive sentiment can be used to promote your business, whilst those disappointed by your service shouldn’t be ignored. These reviews provide a chance for your business to build and grow.

Trust icons

If you work with highly recognisable businesses, ask them to use their logo on your website. This will set you apart from the competition and engage website/social traffic.


In today’s recruitment environment, recruiters, consultants and directors are striving for more accountability. What you’ll find is as your colleagues build their online personal brand, they’ll be more willing to share the content – testimonials, case studies etc – as part of the content drive. This is a win-win for your agency as it is taking your content, and positive vibes, even further.


This article was created by the team at Volcanic for FastTrack’s In the Fast Lane newsletter.

Part of the Access Group, Volcanic are global leaders in recruitment website design and development. To discover how a recruitment website built on Volcanic’s SaaS platform will help boost your candidate attraction and client engagement, visit their website

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