The productivity argument for a shorter workweek

Many employees around the world would jump at the chance to adopt a shorter, four-day workweek. There is hardly a better incentive than a week that ends with a three-day weekend, even if it means cramming in more hours on the days they actually work.

Is the shorter workweek just a management fad, however, or is there a real scientific basis for cutting down on the days employees spend at the office?

One of the main arguments proponents of this move have pushed is that a shorter working week supposedly leads to more productivity.

The premise behind the theory is that when employees are pressed to get more work done in a lower amount of time, they are more motivated to complete the job. Additionally, the prospect of spending an extended weekend with family and friends can add an extra incentive.

In fact, anything longer than a 40-hour week could prove to be a drain on employees' effectiveness and productivity over time.

Studies on a range of countries and their standard working hours tend to support these notions. For instance, a November 2013 article on Bdaily suggests that an average 35-hour workweek is one of the main contributors to Germany becoming the world's fourth largest economy.

Could a shortened workweek be one of the productivity solutions your recruitment agency is looking for?

If your agency has the means to operate to a four-day schedule, this could indeed be something well worth looking into. If it doesn't, however, there are other solutions available that can help boost your agency's productivity.

Efficiency software that is tailored specifically for recruitment agencies, such as FastTrack360, can streamline every area of your agency's operations and help it satisfy both clients' and candidates' needs.

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