The new recruitment reality: Mobile job searching

The phrase ‘mobile recruitment’ is on the lips of recruiters, and in the pages of recruitment articles everywhere. Despite the chatter it’s a deceptively simple concept, referring to a trend that has seen job searching using smartphones  become more and more popular.

Is your recruitment agency ready for the rising tide of smartphone job hunters? And how can you adapt to attract more top talent searching via mobile?

Is your company's website optimised for mobile use? If not it should be.

Is your company’s website optimised for mobile use? If not, it should be.

The rise of job searching using smartphones

Mobile phones are an integral part of Australian life. In fact, 88 per cent of all Australians and 95 per cent of 18-35 year olds own a smartphone, according to survey data from Deloitte. What’s more, new research from Huawei has found we’re spending an average 2.5 hours on our phones every day – that’s over a month every year.

It’s no surprise that 9 out of 10 Australians also said that their phone was an essential tool for job hunting, in a recent PageUp survey. Candidates may regularly research the company website, scan job boards for positions that suit, check LinkedIn and social media and more using their phone.

Experience a well-engineered mobile career site to better understand what yours should deliver.

This makes it more important than ever that both recruiters and employers are providing a mobile friendly recruitment experience.

Becoming a mobile friendly recruiter

The first thing every recruiter needs to do to become more smartphone friendly is experience their website for themselves via mobile. Once you’ve scrolled through a few pages you’ll know if the mobile experience is up to scratch, and can make improvements if necessary. You should also take the time to experience a well-engineered mobile career site to better understand what yours should deliver and whether a rework or redesign is necessary.

If possible, provide the ability for candidates to submit applications via mobile, and consider allowing video interviews as well. This will attract younger candidates among whom smartphone usage is more prevalent, as well as busy, highly qualified talent who may not have otherwise applied.

On the other hand, you should also make sure your recruiters are using mobile friendly software so that they can better interact with candidates.

More and more candidates are using their mobile phones while job searching,. This presents a unique challenge for recruiters.

More and more candidates are using their mobile phones while job searching,. This presents a unique challenge for recruiters.

Better service, smarter software, more convenience

The key to opening your recruitment agency up to the mobile market is to use smart software that makes it easy. FastTrack360 is the ideal solution, with countless features that make communicating with candidates and new hires via mobile a breeze.

The Marketplace function allows you to use SMS central to communicate with your database via text, or SmartAI to handle candidate’s queries with a chatbot and much more. To engage better on mobile you can also create your own branded portal that provides self service capabilities to candidates and clients.

Through this portal candidates can manage their own profile and availability, view applications and jobs as well as managing timesheets and applying for leave. From smartphone applications, to time capture on the job – FastTrack360 is the ideal tool to take your recruitment agency mobile.

Get in touch today for more information, or for a FastTrack360 demo.

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