Survey reveals employees’ end-of-year wishes

The end-of-year can be a difficult time for employers to keep their team motivated. Christmas, New Year and the summer break are all on the horizon with dates etched into the minds of many.

Productivity throughout this period can drop, but it is the mark of a successful business that can see this occurring and still put everyone back on track.

One way to achieve this is through office holiday activities. Through company-sanctioned events, employees know they are working towards a reward and therefore will want to meet deadlines to impress the executives. These events also offers employees a chance to get to know each other better and develop some team morale – critical in stressful projects and assignments.

But what type of event is best?

OfficeTeam recently released the results of its office holiday activity survey of 400 employees. The respondents were asked in what way they would want to celebrate the holidays at work.

An off-site party ranked the most popular with 27 per cent of the vote. This was closely followed by an on-site party/luncheon (25 per cent) and a charitable activity such as volunteering (24 per cent). 

Robert Hosking, executive director of OfficeTeam, explained that a business event closes the year well and gives people the chance to be congratulated on their hard work over the past 12 months. It can also mark a turning point for employees who might be struggling and need to end the year on a high.

"Many employees look forward to the office holiday party because it offers a chance to unwind with colleagues," he said.

"These celebrations can also be the perfect opportunity to recognise people for their hard work throughout the year."

With just over a month until businesses close up for the year, a well-planned end-of-year event might be the key to a productive 2015.

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