Productivity software for the digital multitasker


In the past decade, digital technology such as the mobile device has progressively filtered into the workplace, completely revolutionising the way employees are approaching tasks. Indeed, it has become increasingly common for workers to not only use mobile devices, but utilise several different technologies at once. While digitally multitasking in this way has the potential to boost productivity, to be effective it needs to be supported with the right applications.

So how can efficiency software help workers to use their technology dexterously?

A majority of modern employees are regularly using multiple devices to complete tasks at work.

Technology changing the way people do their jobs

Mobile devices are playing an extensive role in many organisations, with a 2014 survey by Cisco revealing that a majority of employees use 2-3 devices at work every day.

The report looks at a new brand of employee, dubbed “Supertaskers” – workers who regularly and efficiently use two or more devices to complete tasks. This is a surprisingly common phenomenon, as 44 per cent of Generation X and 42 per cent of Generation Y consider themselves to be Supertaskers. It is even more prevalent among HR professionals, who make up 58 per cent of these respondents.

Interestingly, 62 per cent of HR professionals predict that the ability to supertask will be highly coveted by their organisations by the year 2020. This suggests that the business environment is seeing an ongoing shift toward this method of working. As such, it will be essential that companies looking to embrace this approach in their workforce are providing adequate technological resources to accommodate this.

Using multiple devices is a common practice for many employees.

How can software support a multi-device workflow?

Implementing software that allows for a continuous flow and easy access to information across platforms is vital for effective digital multitasking. Now only will this allow employees to switch between multiple devices fluidly and maintain continuity, but it will also make it easier for them to collaborate. Gartner Research Vice President Monica Basso believes that this practice is important for business to establish a cutting-edge market presence.

“Empowering workers with mobile collaboration capabilities through smart devices, personal cloud sharing and mobile apps is a smart move for organisations to innovate in the workplace and stay competitive,” she said.

“Nevertheless, a number of challenges can arise from piecemeal, poorly-architected implementations. Successful deployments of mobile collaboration will need an analysis of business requirements – understanding the potential risks and restrictions while assessing existing investments and obsolescence trends.”

Consequently, organisations that want to integrate end-to-end recruitment software into their operations should look for a provider that will give them adequate support throughout the process, and ensure they can make the most of multi-device capabilities in their workplace.

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