Potential boost to IT recruitment rates

Most technology companies understand the need to hire quality talent for their roles. As the industry is always changing gears and direction, analysing potential employees is very important.

According to a survey from Sologig.com, CareerBuilder's job site for computer and IT professionals, more than half (59 per cent) of IT hiring and HR professionals plan to make new recruitment decisions in the second half of 2014. This is an increase of 8 per cent on the back end of last year, and is 12 per cent higher than the average across all industries.

The survey highlighted that two-thirds (66 per cent) of IT industry executives had already hired full-time employees in the first half of the year. 

Rob Morris, director of Sologig.com, explained that the IT industry is always growing and good recruitment will continue to play a big role in the sector's success.

"The need for skilled talent across a range of occupations, from software application development to network security, is not expected to taper off in the near future," he said.

Mr Morris went onto say that there are many challenges to filling niche positions, particularly in the technology industry.

"To circumvent costly job vacancies, companies must ensure they're paying competitively and consider the adoption of training and development programs to ensure their workforce keeps pace with the rapid evolution of technology skills," he concluded.

Not enough talent?

The survey found that 49 per cent of IT employers have positions they can't fill with qualified candidates. This is a 7 per cent increase on last year, and suggests businesses could consider modifying their recruitment strategy.

This can be done through recruitment software. To attract and retain the best talent, turning to software can streamline your system and easily manage and track job applications.

It is also much simpler to sort skill sets to ensure the right people are hired for future business success.

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