Is your recruitment software working for you, or the opposite?


Buying recruitment software, or any kind of software for that matter, is a big investment. It has the potential to streamline your processes and bring other important benefits, but only if it matches your organisation’s requirements. To truly maximise your returns, you need software that is going to work for you. But how can you find the right solution?

General software is like an oversized pair of pants – it will not fit your business properly.

Your software should fit your needs

Implementing new software into a business is a significant change. It often requires you to adapt your processes to a certain extent, and forces staff to rethink their approaches to a number of tasks. However, a good software package should act to some degree as an extension of your existing practices; improving what you currently do with the efficiency of technology.

Every organisation is different, and with a general-purpose software package, the chances are that not all of them are going to serve the needs of every business. This may prevent you from making the most of your investment and even hinder your performance because you are trying to deploy a solution that simply doesn’t fit. It’s like trying to put on a pair of pants that are much too big for you – you can roll up the bottoms and wear belt – but in the end they are still going to be uncomfortable.

To build or to buy?

Creating your own software is a good way to ensure that the end result will be a perfect fit. It can be designed to complement your present needs, and will be completely unique. But for many businesses, this is far too expensive and labour intensive to be viable, and requires highly skilled talent to manage it for it to be successful.

Does your software solution meet the needs of your organisation?

Another good option is to purchase ready-made software, but you do not want to settle for a general, one-size-fits-all package. By buying software specifically designed for your industry, you will be able to ensure that it meets your unique needs.

At FastTrack, we can provide that, whether you’re a white or blue collar company.. Our the end-to-end solution is tailor-made for the recruitment industry, and therefore will allow you to take full advantage of your best practice processes. We can also configure it easily and cost-effectively, meaning your investment can continue to work for you in the long term.

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