Is your recruitment process really end to end?


Businesses have recently been advocating the end-to-end recruitment approach as the best new method of talent management. However, the process of end-to- end recruitment is a somewhat grey area when it comes to the scope and individual steps.

Considering the increasing mobility of the labour market, having an all-encompassing process from beginning to end is a pressing issue. According to the most recent figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there are just under one million contracted employees in Australia, representing 9 per cent of the total workforce. Workers in temporary employment also make up 5.3 per cent of total employment.

As many organisations seek temporary or contract workers for specific projects, recruitment does not end once the right candidate is selected. Businesses must also take into account the payment, billing and progress reports as workers join and exit the company at a rapid rate.

While many companies are covering the bases of procurement, initiation and training, true end-to-end recruitment must extend right through to the deliverance of all payments to the particular worker. This also includes reporting and billing responsibilities.

Having an integrated solution, such as recruitment software, may be vital for handling these employees in a timely fashion and staying on top of high recruitment demands.

Opportunities in the SE Asia market 

End-to-end recruitment could see more use in SE Asia as hiring ambitions grown. In Indonesia, for example, 53 per cent of employees have been in their job for less than two years, according to a Monroe Consulting survey. While the hiring market is cooling slightly, employers still have high ambitions for expanding their workforce, with 76 per cent of companies expecting to hire more workers over the rest of 2015.

In terms of the rest of SE Asia, many countries are choosing to outsource their recruitment. Research firm Research and Markets stated that Malaysia and Singapore were particularly keen adopters of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), and growth of this market is set to rise. However, the end-to-end segment may not see as much use due to the high cost and lack of control compared to regular RPO.

Companies in this region that require a comprehensive end-to-end system may rather take on the process themselves. With the aid from the right recruitment software, this may be a more productive and cost-effective option.

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