CEOs share promising insights into their future recruitment goals

With many CEOs feeing confident about the state of their business in the next three years, job opportunities may be set to increase.

In a recent KPMG survey, 79 per cent of CEOs globally were expected to increase the number of employees hired. 

This is as a result of increasing optimism, with 69 per cent of European CEOs and 66 per cent of CEOs from the Asia Pacific stating that they were feeling more confident in the global economy compared to the previous year. While their American counterparts were not as confident, many respondents (52 per cent) still had more faith in the global economy than they did a year ago. 

When compared with Europe and Asia Pacific, American CEOs were less confident in the growth prospects of their business. While roughly seven out of 10 CEOs in the former regions felt more confident in their growth prospects, only 19 per cent in the USA felt more confident. The highest proportion (46 per cent) felt around the same about their growth prospects, though this may be attributed to the current recovery period in the USA.

While outlooks remain positive overall, there are still significant challenges that need to be overcome in the next three years. The top concern highlighted in the survey was customer loyalty, with 86 per cent of those surveyed citing this as a future challenge. Other significant factors named were the threat to business models from new entrants (74 per cent) and keeping on top of technology trends (72 per cent). 

In order to effectively meet these challenges, CEOs must be focused on hiring the right talent who can provide innovative solutions to these problems. With help from recruitment software, these companies must be prepared to open their doors to the right people who can offer the skills to create new and exciting strategies. 

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