Improving efficiency with powerful candidate searching solutions

Recruitment software that offers candidate searching functionality is one of the most significant innovations to hit the recruitment world in recent years. 

Rather than wasting valuable time sorting through CVs and job orders, trying to match applicants based on irrelevant criteria, you can simply filter out candidates using preset algorithms to ensure you are only putting forward people who are right for the job.  

Here are just a few of the criteria that you can use to search through a wide range of candidates: 

  • Personal information: Candidates can be sorted by personal details – e​.g. their name, address, phone number or date of birth – ensuring that you locate the right individual quickly and with less downtime. 
  • Work histories: Search for candidates with experience in particular roles or within particular organisations, in order to identify which ones are already equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet client demands.
  • Employment criteria: Quickly filter candidates by employment criteria to ensure they are the right fit for the role. You can eliminate temporary, permanent, contract or casual workers with the click of a mouse, ensuring you are not sorting through irrelevant candidates.
  • Skill​ set: Advanced recruitment solutions even offer the option to search candidates by skill​ set. You can filter individuals based on the abilities and qualifications that they do or do not have, allowing you to provide clients with the right individuals more quickly.  

When your clients place a job order, they expect it to be filled in a timely and efficient manner. If you are providing them with the wrong candidates for the position, they are likely to lose faith in your service.

Fortunately, a recruitment efficiency solution that offers advanced searching options can ensure this never happens, and that job orders are filled accurately every time.

If you'd like to streamline the way you match up candidates, clients and job orders, consider implementing recruitment software that offers a comprehensive search functionality – it's an investment you won't soon regret. 

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