How can you facilitate the liquid workforce?


Today every business is digital, no matter what kind of product they sell or industry they operate in. This digitisation has a variety of implications, but one of the most interesting outcomes is the liquid workforce. For companies operating in the recruitment sector, this trend is of particular interest.

However, harnessing the power of the liquid workforce requires a significant shift in the way an organisation operates and the kind of IT resources it implements. Solutions such as cloud-based recruitment software can be used to effectively accommodate a flexible and adaptable workforce, allowing companies to be more productive and competitive as a result.

Today’s workforce is more flexible, mobile and technologically-literate than ever before.

Liquid workforce on the rise

As Generation Y becomes increasingly prevalent in the labour pool and technology revolutionises business practices, companies are implementing a more mobile, flexible workforce that uses IT to meet new demands in the digital business landscape. More and more organisations are utilising mobile technology, allowing their employees to work in remote locations and flexible hours, and recruiting a wide range of employee types such as part-timers and contractors. This helps them to be more forward-thinking and maintain a competitive advantage in a market that requires constant innovation to stay successful.

One organisation that is doing this effectively is global professional services company Accenture. One of the biggest worries about digital disruption is that people will lose their jobs to machines. However, Accenture has subverted this trend by upskilling its workers into vital higher-value roles, giving them new opportunities while still harnessing the capabilities of technology.

It’s apparent that a liquid organisation is a more agile and prosperous one, and as Accenture demonstrates, the key to achieving this is not to compromise the existing workforce but to provide it with the tools it needs to be flexible.

A liquid workforce can make companies more competitive.

How can companies adapt to the liquid workforce?

As technology has driven this shift in manpower, it makes sense that technology would also be the secret to optimising it. With a workforce that is more diverse and geographically dispersed than ever before, it’s essential to have the right IT resources to manage it.

Some of the most dynamic solutions for a liquid business include workflow automation and cloud-based productivity software, as these can help to streamline business practices and increase collaboration between employees. This means that a company’s information will be continuously accessible regardless of where or how the workforce is functioning.

If you would like more information on how an end-to-end software solution can make your business more agile and flexible, talk to the team at FastTrack today.

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