How can cutting edge recruitment technology make recruiting easier?

The Australian unemployment rate has remained between 4 and 6.5 per cent for the last 10 years, creating an ultra-competitive job market. As a result, hiring new talent has become a major challenge for businesses nationwide. 

In fact, in Sydney almost half of all recruiters reported serious difficulty filling roles over 2017. In other less crowded job markets such as Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart around a third had trouble hiring, according to a Department of Jobs and Small business survey. 

That means regardless of where you are, or what industry you're in, attracting top talent is a challenge you'll inevitably face in future. We've taken a closer look at the challenge of finding talent, and discussed how recruitment software can help.

How can cutting edge recruitment software make finding the best talent easier?How can cutting edge recruitment software make finding the best talent easier?

A closer look at the Australian recruitment challenge

All businesses will struggle to fill a roll with the right person at some point. A LinkedIn article discussing these challenges from the view of human resources (HR) professionals found the following challenges were the most common when hiring:

  • There is too much noise in the market.
  • The best candidates are deciding between multiple offers at once. 
  • There's a genuine shortage of great talent. 
  • Hiring managers are too specific with what they need.

These are four separate issues, however they're all born out of one core problem: the job market in Australia is competitive with limited talent available and countless companies competing to hire. To cut through the noise, recruiters need to streamline and automate as many processes as possible in order to focus on high value activities that will attract talent. 

That means less time screening unsuitable candidates, distributing resumes internally, and filling out spreadsheets. Instead they should spend more time interviewing, creating branded communications, and optimising your recruitment process. How can you cut out the drudgery and focus on what really matters?

Using the right software helps make finding talent easier

Fast Track 360, one of Australia's most cutting edge cloud recruitment softwares, allows your HR staff to work more efficiently and effectively. It integrates with your website's careers page and relevant job boards, allowing you to automatically post one branded job listing everywhere it needs to be with the click of a mouse button. 

This saves time but also ensures that your brand shines through on your company website and that your job is posted where prospective hires look. Automatic applicant capture and resume parsing allows you to only spend time screening applicants who fit the job description.

From there the Fast Track 360 recruitment system will put all job information into one easy to manage system. Here you can see the progress of all applications, integrate with Microsoft Outlook to keep a record of all correspondence, and receive notifications on tasks that are due for completion when you log in. 

Use smart software to automate tasks so that you can focus on what really matters.Use smart software to automate tasks so that you can focus on what really matters.

Optimise your workflows with end-to-end recruitment

Your company might use several systems to manage your recruitment, billing, payroll and time. Integrating each piece of software, manually entering data and dealing with more than one provider can be time consuming, inconvenient and unproductive. 

Roll all those functions into one with Fast Track 360, end to end recruitment software. With the best possible software in pace you can automate low value tasks and spend time doing what you're meant to do – hiring the best talent.

To learn more, get in touch with a specialist at Fast Track for a demo today. 

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