FastTrack restructures for growth with new partnership

FastTrack's flagship product, FastTrack360, has seen a surge in demand as businesses across Australia recognise the workflow automation benefits it brings.

In response to this growth in uptake, FastTrack is proud to announce that it has confirmed an exciting new software development partnership with Indian developer RadixWeb.

The partnership comes as part of a wider business reorganisation as FastTrack strives to accommodate the needs of its ever-expanding customer base, and will provide FastTrack with the capabilities to continually deliver exceptional service.

"This relationship with RadixWeb will enable us to accelerate our continuing development of FastTrack360 that includes a complete redevelopment of our Front Office Skillsbase product," said FastTrack CEO David Page.

FastTrack's client base now well exceeds 700, and each and every one will be able to enjoy the full effects of the upgrade. The core FastTrack360 product will continue to service the various needs of recruitment agencies, offering features and functionalities that can be deployed either in-house or via a cloud platform.

"We remain absolutely committed to a range of fully integrated cloud solutions from front to back office that avoids the cost and complexity of managing alternative hybrid systems from multiple vendors," Mr Page said.

While some staffing changes have been necessary to facilitate the upgrade, the restructure has allowed FastTrack to grow and develop its customer service and support functions.

"Our long history in the staffing industry means that we have a depth of consulting experience that can add real value and improved ROI to clients' use of our systems and we want to ensure this continues to be seen as a strong differentiator of our overall product offering."

About FastTrack
FastTrack is a leading recruitment software provider, helping clients from a range of sectors to fully integrate front, middle and back office roles and technologies. We are proud to be Australasia's largest provider of core business applications in the recruitment industry, and are thus focused on employing experienced industry experts to provide outstanding customer service.

For more information please contact:

David Page
Ph:      +61 3 9225 9608

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