Business brand critical to positive recruitment

According to a recently released report by Hudson RPO, Australian businesses need to create a strong employer brand in order to attract and retain the best talent.

An employer brand is described as "the perception of the organisation as a great place to work, by both current and potential employees" in Hudson's report titled 'How to Launch a Successful Employer Brand: Building on the Practices of Top Employer Brands'.

With many different businesses operating in the same market and focused on similar candidate skill sets, creating a unique employer brand can set you apart from the pack.

In the report, it was revealed that top employer brands spend 70 per cent more on initiatives to boost its image and twice as many have a documented strategy compared to other brands.

Suzanne Chadwick, Head of Employer Branding, Digital and Sourcing Innovation for Hudson RPO, explained the benefits of a well-manufactured employer brand.

"While a strong consumer brand can help companies attract top talent to their organisation, a clearly defined employer brand will help ensure that those they hire will not only have the right skills, but also be a solid fit with the company's culture and work environment – resulting in greater employee productivity, increased levels of engagement and higher rates of retention," she said.

Ms Chadwick stated that a successful employer brand should be authentic, consistent with current company practices and the consumer brand.

"Clear ownership of an employer brand and collaboration from all corners of a business is essential," she concluded.

Part of your employer brand must be to implement certain technologies into the business. This could include payroll and billing software and also recruitment software that highlight the innovative nature of your operations and can promote a progressive workforce.

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