4 ways software improves your recruitment practices


Recruitment businesses rely on being able to quickly and efficiently place the best quality talent with their clients, but they need to have the right tools in order to thrive in the competitive market. Adopting specialised recruitment software is a great way to improve your processes, simplifying the more troublesome tasks and allowing you to maximise the efficiency of talent placement. According to research from Capterra, 94 per cent of business owners that have implemented recruitment software say that it significantly improved their hiring process.

So what are some of the biggest advantages of end-to-end software for your business?

Recruitment software cuts down on data-entry and administration.

1. Cuts down the paper trail

Paperwork can be one of the most time-consuming tasks for a recruitment company, as while it’s necessary to retain a database of your candidate and client information, it can take up a lot of time that would be better spent assessing the suitability of candidates and analysing employer’s needs. Even when this is done digitally with email and spreadsheets rather than on actual paper documents, it can still be a costly and time-consuming process.

Recruitment software helps to streamline documentation, keeping all the information in one place and allowing you to spend less time on data entry and more time on the things that matter. As a result, your staff can minimise the time spent on individual vacancies, boosting your output and reducing the time-to-hire for employers.

2. Expands your talent pool 

Having an online system with self service will encourage more candidates to register their interests with you. A 2015 study from CareerBuilder found that 20 per cent of candidates will not complete an application if it takes longer than 20 minutes, and 66 per cent will give up on an application if it takes longer than two weeks. Consequently, it’s essential that you make the process as quick and easy as possible for jobseekers to prevent them from losing interest.

Recruitment software makes it easier to locate the best candidates.

Similarly, a survey conducted by Indeed found that 22 per cent of jobseekers use mobile apps to look up vacancies, and this option is getting increasingly popular, particularly with the younger generation. Utilising productivity software that makes it easy to apply and is compatible with mobile devices can help you to broaden your reach and cultivate a wider talent pool, as it will draw even those candidates who would not have taken the time to apply otherwise. Ease-of-use, convenience and self service are the name of the game when it comes to the modern jobseeker.

3. Protects and ensures accuracy of information

When information has to be transferred to different storage locations and between multiple departments, it increases the likelihood that mistakes will be made in translation and you will end up with potentially detrimental data inaccuracies. In fact, business news site Market Watch found that close to 90 per cent of all spreadsheets contain errors. End-to-end recruitment software minimises the risk of inaccuracies and makes information easily accessible by allowing it to flow seamlessly from the front to back office. It also allows you to let candidates fill in their own information, ensuring it is correct as they are, after all, the ones who know themselves best.

In addition, because the information is stored on the cloud, it will be secure and backed-up, which means that it is protected in the event of a disaster or breach, allowing you to continue to operate smoothly.

Time is of the essence in the recruitment world, so the right software will make you more competitive.

4. Makes it easier to find quality talent

According to the Indeed research, 68 per cent of employed people are on the hunt for a new job, and 65 per cent report that they they are back to the search just three months after getting employed. This suggests that in the massive pool of jobseekers, it can be tricky to find the top candidates that are going to stick with a business for the long run. However, a productivity solution can help you identify quality talent more easily, as it provides the tools to easily view job status’, streamline workflows and track candidates. In this way, you can make the most of time finding the right professional for every position.

The FastTrack360 recruitment platform is the perfect example of a solution that can transform your hiring process. While software can advance the performance of organisations in industries of every kind, in the recruitment world this efficiency is vital. Your clients count on you to provide fast and capable staffing solutions in order to keep their business’s running.

Recruitment software can give you a competitive edge by boosting the quality and timeliness of your-service, while making the steps of the process much simpler for your team. This can deliver a significant return on investment over time. If you’d like to find out more about what software designed for recruitment can do for you, talk to one of our representatives.

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