3 ways to make the most of SMS in the recruitment industry

SMS is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your clients and customers, and yet many recruiters aren’t harnessing its power. With 88% of Australians owning a smartphone, mobile messaging is one of the most efficient, cost-effective ways to get attention and communicate essential messages.

We’ve partnered with SMS Central, our market-leading SMS provider, to look at three use cases for SMS in recruitment that you should be using to streamline your client and candidate communications.

  1. Interview and appointment updates

Organising job interviews is an integral part of any recruitment process, but a miscommunication or misunderstanding around interview details can derail even the most promising placement. SMS messages are a great way to remind clients and candidates about interview details – in fact, 70% of people think SMS is a great way for businesses to contact them. A timely SMS can ensure everyone is in the correct place at the agreed time for interviews and appointments.

  1. Urgent timesheet reminders

It’s no secret that late timesheet submissions add considerable stress and cost to staffing agencies. The time-sensitive nature of timesheet operations makes reliable communication methods absolutely essential.

SMS is an excellent channel for improving response rates to urgent messages like timesheet reminders. 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of delivery, and 98% are read within a day. Compared to the 20% open rate associated with email, SMS is a much more effective channel for sending time-sensitive communications that you need actioned immediately.

  1. Rostering management

Shift work is an essential part of the Australian employment landscape, but businesses are still struggling to effectively communicate rosters and updates – in fact, 95% of businesses report they have at least one missed shift per week. If you’re responsible for managing shift placements for your clients, consider using SMS for shift reminders, schedule changes and roster updates. Our research has found that using SMS for rostering and scheduling can reduce costs to a business by 20%.

FastTrack customers can easily start enjoying the benefits of SMS thanks to our robust integration with SMS Central, a leading provider of business messaging in Australia. If you’d like to start harnessing the power of SMS in your FastTrack instance, or if you’d like to talk about new applications of SMS within your existing setup, reach out to your Account Manager today.

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